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Zhongwei Yuan

作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2014-12-28 点击次数:

name: Zhong-Wei Yuan
education: PhD professional title:
duty: telephone: 86-28-82650313
email: yzwyvon2004@126.com fax:86-28-82650350
2007-2011: Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yaan, Sichuan, China
2004-2007: MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yaan, Sichuan, China
1998-2001: College graduate in School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Employment History
2001-2002: Guoguang Agrochemical Co. Ltd.
2002-2003: Science press
Research Interests:
Genomic variation and its molecular basis of wheat-rye hybrid
1. Zhongwei Yuan, Dengcai Liu, Lianquan Zhang, Li Zhang, Wenjie Chen, Zehong Yan, Youliang Zheng, Huaigang Zhang, Yang Yen, (2011). Mitotic illegitimate recombination is a mechanism for novel changes in high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits in wheat-rye hybrids. PLoS ONE, 6(8): e23511. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023511.
2. Zhong-Wei Yuan, Qi-Jiao Chen, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, You-Liang Zheng and Deng-Cai Liu, (2009). Molecular characterization of two silenced y-type genes for Glu-B1 in Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanese and ssp. tibetanum. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51(1): 93-99.
3. Qi-Jiao Chen, Zhong-Wei Yuan, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, Zhi-Guo Xiang, Yong-Fang Wan, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu, (2008). Molecular characterisation and comparative analysis of four new genes from Sec2 locus encoding 75K r-gamma secalins of rye species. Journal of Cereal Science, 48: 111-116.
4. Qijiao Chen, Lianquan Zhang, Zhongwei Yuan, Zehong Yan, Youliang Zheng, Genlou SunDengcai Liu, (2008). Empirical verification of heterogeneous DNA fragments generated from wheat genome-specific SSR primers. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 88: 1065-1071.
5. Zhang Lianquan, Chen Qijiao, Yuan Zhongwei, Xiang Zhuiguo, Zheng Youliang, Liu Dengcai, (2008). The production of aneuhaploid and euhaploid sporocytes by meiotic restitution in fertile hybrids of durum wheat Langdon lines with Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 35:617–623
6. Shun-Zong Ning, Qi-Jiao Chen, Zhong-Wei Yuan, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu, (2009). Characterization of WtAP2 gene in Aegilops tauschii Coss. and comparison with those of homoeologous loci in wheat. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47: 543-551.
7. Lianquan Zhang, Zehong Yan, Shoufen Dai, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu, (2008). The crossability of Triticum turgidum with Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Research Communication, 37(3): 417-427.
8. Yuan Zhong-wei, Chen Qi-jiao, Zhang Lia n-quan, Xiang Zhi-guo, Liu Deng-cai, (2006). DNA sequence analysis of rye ( Secale cereale L. ) repeated family pAW161 (348 bp). Journal of Sichuan Agriculture University, 24(3): 235-238.


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