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Shun-Zong Ning

作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2014-12-28 点击次数:

name:Shunzong Ning


professional title:Assistant Professor







September 2001- July 2005: B.S student in Agronomy College,
Sichuan Agricultural University, China, major in crop science.
September 2005- July 2008: M. S. student in Triticeae Research Institute,
Sichuan Agricultural University, China, major in wheat breeding and genetics.
October 2008-August 2009: learning Japanese in
Preparatory School for Chinese Students to JapanNortheastNormalUniversity.
October 2009 –March 2013: Ph.D. student in Graduate
school of Horticulture, Faculty of Horticulture Chiba University and National Institute of Agrobiological Science.

Research Interests:

1. Transferring cytoplasm of Aegilops species to wheat, developing potential utilization values and evaluating the breeding value.
2. Utilizing chromosome segment and important genes of synthetic hexaploid wheat to wheat breeding.
3. Cloning important genes of wheat flower development, disease resistance, yield, then functionally verifying.


1. Shunzong Ning, Ning Wang, Shun Sakuma, Mohammad Pourkheirandish, Jianzhong Wu, Takashi Matsumoto, Takato Koba, Takao Komatsuda. Structure, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of the bread wheat orthologs of the barley cleistogamy gene Cly1. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2013, 126(5): 1273-1283.
2. Shunzong Ning, Ning Wang, Shun Sakuma, Mohammad Pourkheirandish, Takato Koba, Takao Komatsuda. Variation in the wheat AP2 homoeologs, the genes underlying lodicule development. Breeding Science, 2013, doi:10.1270/jsbbs.63.000.
3. Shunzong Ning, Ning Wang, Shun Sakuma, Mohammad Pourkheirandish, Takato Koba, Takao Komatsuda. Identification of an AP2 gene related to open flowering in diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum). Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2013, in press.
4. Shun-Zong NING, Qi-Jiao CHEN, Zhong-Wei YUAN, Lian-Quan ZHANG, Ze-Hong YAN, You-Liang ZHENG, Deng-Cai LIU. Characterization of WAP2 gene in Aegilops tauschii and comparison with homoeologous loci in wheat, Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2009, 47(6): 543-551.
5. NING Shun-zong, CHEN Qi-jiao, YUAN Zhong-wei, ZHANG Lian-quan, LIU Deng-cai: Sequence analysis of chloroplast psaC gene in eleven Triticeae species, Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 2007, 16(6): 141-145.
6. Ning Wang, Shunzong Ning, Mohammad Pourkheirandish, Ichiro Honda, Takao Komatsuda. An alternative mechanism for cleistogamy in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2013, doi10.1007/s00122-013-2169-7.
7. XIANG Zhi-guo, ZHANG Lian-quan, NING Shun-zong, ZHENG You-Liang, and LIU Deng-cai. Evaluation of Aegilops tauschii for Heading Date and Its Gene Location in a Re-synthesized Hexaploid Wheat.Agricultural Sciences in China, 2008, 8(1): 1-7.
8. Chao Li, Aidong Wang, Xiaoying Ma, Mohammad Pourkheirandish, Shun Sakuma, Ning Wang, Shunzong Ning, Eviatar Nevo, Christiane Nawrath, Takao Komatsuda, Guoxiong Chen. An eceriferum locus, cer-zv, is associated with a defect in cutin responsible for water retention in barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2013, 126(3): 637-646.


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