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Pengfei Qi

作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2014-12-28 点击次数:


Name: Peng-Fei Qi
Education: Ph.D.
Professional Title: Professor in Crop Genetics and Breeding
Duty: Head of the Wheat Quality Laboratory Telephone:86-28-82650337
Email:pengfeiqi@hotmail.com Fax:86-28-82650350


2007.9-2011.6 Ph.D student in Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University; Major in Crop Genetics and Breeding
2009.1-2010.4 Joint Ph.D student in Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Center (ECORC), Agriculture Canada; Major in Molecular Plant Pathology
2005.9-2007.6 M.Sc student in Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University; Major in Plant Protection
2001.9-2005.6 B.Sc student in College of Biology and Science, Sichuan Agricultural University; Major in Biology

Research interests:


1) Mechanisms on the formation of wheat processing quality

2) Mechanisms on wheat resistance against fusarium head blight

3) Relationship between flour quality and fusarium infection

4) Usefulness of wheat domestication and de-domestication genes/loci

5) Wheat quality breeding

Recent publications:

Chen Q, Guo ZR, Shi XL, Wei MQ, Fan YZ, Zhu J, Zheng T, Wang Y, Kong L, Deng M, Cao XY, Wang JR, Wei YM, Jiang QT, Jiang YF, Chen GY, Zheng YL, Qi PF*. Increasing the grain yield and grain protein content of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) by introducing missense mutations in the Q gene. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23: 10772.

Guo ZR#, Chen Q#, Zhu J, Wang Y, Li Y, Li QC, Zhao K, Li Y, Tang R, Shi XL, Tan KN, Kong L, Jiang YF, Jiang QT, Wang JR, Chen GY, Wei YM, Zheng YL*, Qi PF*. The Qc5 allele increases wheat bread-making quality by regulating SPA and SPR. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23: 7581.

Wang Y#, Guo ZR#, Chen Q, Li Y, Zhao K, Wan YF, Hawkesford MJ, Jiang YF, Kong L, Pu ZE, Deng M, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Wang JR, Chen GY, Ma J, Zheng YL*, Wei YM, Qi PF*. Effects of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit Dy10 on dough properties, bread and biscuit-making quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Integrative Agriculture (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2022.08.041

Guo XJ, Fu YX, Lee YJ, Chern M, Li ML, Cheng MP, Dong HX, Yuan ZW, Gui LX, Yin JJ, Qing H, Zheng CB, Pu ZE, Liu YJ, Li WT, Li W, Qi PF, Chen GY, Jiang QT, Ma J, Chen XW, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Wu YR, Liu B, Wang JR*. The PGS1 basic helix-loop-helix protein regulates Fl3 to impact seed growth and grain yield in cereals. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2022) 20: 1311-1326.

Wang Y#, Chen Q#, Li Y, Guo ZR, Liu CH, Wan YF, Hawkesford MJ, Zhu J, Wu W, Wei MQ, Zhao K, Jiang YF, Zhang YZ, Xu Q, Kong L, Pu ZE, Deng M, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Wang JR, Chen GY, Ma J, Zheng YL*, Wei YM, Qi PF*. Post-translational cleavage of HMW-GS Dy10 allele improves the cookie-making quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). Molecular Breeding (2021) 41: 49.

Chen Q#, Lei L#, Liu CH, Zhang YZ, Xu Q, Zhu J, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Li QC, Li Y, Kong L, Jiang YF, Lan XJ, Wang JR, Jiang QT, Chen GY, Ma J, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Qi PF*. Major facilitator superfamily transporter gene FgMFS1 is essential for Fusarium graminearum to deal with salicylic acid stress and for its pathogenicity towards wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021) 22: 8497.

祁鹏飞, 李庆成, 陈庆, 郭祯儒, 周才懿, 陈晨, 王琰, 孔丽, 魏育明, 郑有良*. 四川小麦加工品质调查. 四川农业大学学报, 2021, 39(6): 705-712.

Lang J#, Fu YX#, Zhou Y#, Cheng MP, Deng M, Li ML, Zhu TT, Yang J, Guo XJ, Gui LX, Li LC, Chen ZX, Yi YJ, Zhang LQ, Hao M, Huang L, Tan C, Chen GY, Jiang QT, Qi PF, Pu ZE, Ma J, Liu ZH, Liu YJ, Luo MC, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Wu YR, Liu DC, Wang JR*. Myb10-D confers PHS-3D resistance to pre-harvest sprouting by regulating NCED in ABA biosynthesis pathway of wheat. New Phytologist (2021) 230: 1940-1952.

Jiang YF#, Chen Q#, Wang Y#, Guo ZR, Xu BJ, Zhu J, Zhang YZ, Gong X, Luo CH, Wu W, Liu CH, Kong L, Deng M, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Wang JR, Chen GY, Zheng YL*, Wei YM, Qi PF*. Re-acquisition of the brittle rachis trait via a transposon insertion in domestication gene Q during wheat de-domestication. New Phytologist (2019) 224: 961-973

Zhang YZ#, Chen Q#, Liu CH, Lei L, Li Y, Zhao Ko, Wei MQ, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Xu BJ, Jiang YF, Kong L, Liu YL, Lan XJ, Jiang QT, Ma J, Wang JR, Chen GY, Wei YM*, Zheng YL, Qi PF*. Fusarium graminearum FgCWM1 encodes a cell wall mannoprotein conferring sensitivity to salicylic acid and virulence to wheat. Toxins (2019), 11: 628.

Qi PF*,#, Jiang YF, Guo ZR, Chen Q, Ouellet T, Zong LJ, Wei ZZ, Wang Y, Zhang YZ, Xu BJ, Kong L, Deng M, Wang JR, Chen GY, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Li W, Wei YM, Zheng YL. Transcriptional reference map of hormone responses in wheat spikes. BMC Genomics (2019), 20: 390.

Qi PF*,#, Zhang YZ#, Liu CH, Chen Q, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Xu BJ, Jiang YF, Zheng T, Gong X, Luo CH, Wu W, Kong L, Deng M, Ma J, Lan XJ, Jiang QT, Wei YM*, Wang JR, Zheng YL. Functional analysis of FgNahG clarifies the contribution of salicylic acid to wheat (Triticum aestivum) resistance against Fusarium head blight. Toxins (2019), 11: 59.

Qi PF*, Zhang YZ, Liu CH, Zhu J, Chen Q, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Xu BJ, Zheng T, Jiang YF, Wang JP, Zhou CY, Feng X, Kong L, Lan XJ, Jiang QT, Wei YM*, Zheng YL. Fusarium graminearum ATP-bing cassette transporter gene FgABCC9 is required for its transportation of salicylic acid, fungicide resistance, mycelial growth and pathogenicity towards wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018) 19:2351

Zheng T, Qi PF*, Cao YL, Han YN, Ma HL, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Qiao YY, Hua SY, Yu HY, Wang JP, Zhu J, Zhou CY, Zhang YZ, Chen Q, Kong L, Wang JR, Jiang QT, Yan ZH, Lan XJ, Fan GQ, Wei YM, Zheng YL*. Mechanisms of wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain storage proteins in response to nitrogen applications and its impacts on processing quality. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:11928

Xu BJ, Chen Q, Zheng T, Jiang YF, Qiao YY, Guo ZR, Cao YL, Wang Y, Zhang YZ, Zong LJ, Zhu J, Liu CH, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Ma J, Wang JR, Zheng YL, Wei YM*, Qi PF*. An overexpressed Q allele leads to increased spike density and improved processing quality in common wheat (Triticum aesticum). Genes, Genomes, Genetics (2018) 8:771-778

Wang ZZ, Huang L, Wu BH*, Hu JL, Jiang ZL, Qi PF, Zheng YL, Liu DC. Characterization of an integrated active Glu-1Ay allele in common wheat from wild emmer and its potential role in flour improvement. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018) 19:923

Zhang YZ, Wei ZZ, Liu CH, Chen Q, Xu BJ, Guo ZR, Cao YL, Wang Y, Han YN, Chen C, Feng X, Qiao YY, Zong LJ, Zheng T, Deng M, Jiang QT, Li W, Zheng YL, Wei YM*, Qi PF*. Linoleic acid isomerase gene FgLAI12 affects sensitivity to salicylic acid, mycelial growth, and vireluence of Fusarium graminearum. Scientific Reports (2017) 7:46129

Liu YJ, Liu YX, Zhou Y, Wight C, Pu ZE, Qi PF, Jiang QT, Deng M, Wang ZX, Wei YM, Cao WG, Liu DC, Zheng YL, Liu CJ, Fregeau-Reid J, Wang JR. Conferring resitance to pre-harvest sprouting in durum wheat by a QTL identified in Triticum spelta. Euphytica (2017) 213:19

Zhang LL, Chen H, Luo M, Zhang XW, Deng M, Ma J, Qi PF, Wang JR, Chen GY, Liu YX, Pu ZE, Li W, Lan XJ, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Jiang QT*. Transposon insertion resulted in the silencing of Wx-B1n in Chinese wheat landraces. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2017) 130:1321-1330

Zhou Y, Chen ZX, Cheng MP, Chen J, Zhu TT, Wang R,  Liu YX, Qi PF, Chen GY, Jiang QT, Wei YM, Luo MC, Nevo E, Allaby RG, Liu DC, Wang JR*, Dvorak J*, Zheng YL*. Unvovering the dispersion history, adaptative evolution and selection of wheat in China. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2017) 16:280-291

宫希, 蒋云峰, 徐彬杰, 乔媛媛, 华诗雨, 吴旺, 马建, 周小鸿, 祁鹏飞*, 兰秀锦. 利用普通六倍体小麦和西藏半野生小麦杂交衍生的重组自交系定位小麦芒长QTL. 作物学报 (2017) 43:496-500

Zhang XW, Li SY, Zhang LL, Yang Q, Jiang QT, Ma J, Qi PF, Li W, Chen GY, Lan XJ, Deng M, Lu ZX, Liu CJ, Wei YM, Zheng YL. Structure and expression analysis of genes encoding ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit in wheat and its relatives. Genome (2016) 59:501-507

Luo W, Ma J, Zhou XH, Sun M, Kong XC, Wei YM, Jiang YF, Qi PF, Jiang QT, Liu YX, Peng YY, Chen GY, Zheng YL, Liu CJ, Lan XJ. Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling agronomic traits indicates breeding potential of tibetan semiwild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum). Crop Science (2016) 56:1-11

Ma J, Gao S, Jiang QT, Yang Q, Sun M, Wang JR, Qi PF, Liu YX, Li W, Pu ZE, Lan XJ, Wei YM, Liu CJ, Zheng YL. Structure and expression of phosphoglucan phosphatase genes of Like Sex Four1 and Like Sex Four2 in barley. Genetica (2016) 144:313-323

Luo W, Ma J, Zhou XH, Jiang YF, Sun M, Yang YJ, Kong XC, Qi PF, Jiang QT, Liu YX, Peng YY, Chen GY, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Lan XJ. Genetic analysis of glume hairiness (Hg) gene in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2016) 63:763–769

Zhang YZ, Chen Q, Liu CH, Liu YB, Yi P, Niu KX, Wang YQ, Wang AQ, Yu HY, Pu ZE, Jiang QT, Wei YM*, Qi PF*, Zheng YL. Chitin synthase gene FgCHS8 affects virulence and fungal cell wall sensitivity to environmental stress in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Biology (2016) 120:764-774

Li W, Fu BB, Li Z, Liu YX, Pu ZE, Qi PF, Jiang QT, Chen GY, Wang JR, Wei YM, Zheng YL. Characterization of the waxy gene in diploid Triticum L. and Aegilops L. species and its geographic distribution. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2016) 63:987-1002

Wang Y, Zheng QY, Guo ZR, Qiao YY, Cao YL, Liu CH, Xu BJ, Wei ZY, Zong LJ, Chen C, Han YN, Chen Q, Gong X, Hua SY, Zheng YL*, Qi PF*, Wei YM,  Lan XJ, Wang JR. A misssense mutation affects the mobility of high molecular weight glutenin Dy10 subunit in SDS-PAGE. Agri Gene (2016) 2:1-4

乔媛媛, 郑亭, 郭祯儒, 曹永立, 韩雅楠, 陈晨, 祁鹏飞*. 四川省2001-2014年审定小麦品种加工品质参数变化规律.四川农业大学学报(2016) 34:282–288

Qi PF, Balcerzak M, Rocheleau H, Leung W, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Ouellet T. Jasmonic acid and abscisic acid play important roles in hostepathogen interaction between Fusarium graminearum and wheat during the early stages of fusarium head blight. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology (2016) 93:39-48

Zhao S, Jiang QT, Ma J, Wang JR, Liu YX, Chen GY, Qi PF, Pu ZE, Lu ZX, Zheng YL, Wei YM. Characterization and expression analysis of WOX2 homeodomain transcription factor in Aegilops tauschii. Genetics and Molecular Biology (2015) 38:79-85

Wei L, Wang Q, Zhang LL, Ma J, Wang JR, Qi PF, Li W, Chen GY, Lan XJ, Deng M, Lu ZX, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Jiang QT. Genetic analyses of Glu-1Ssh in wheat/Aegilops sharonensis hybrid progenies and development of alien HMW-GSs gene-specific markers. Molecular Breeding (2015) 35:230

Jiang YF, Wang JR, Luo W, Wei YM, Qi PF, Liu YX, Jiang QT, Peng YY, Chen GY, Dai SF, Zheng YL, Lan XJ. Quantitative trait locus mapping for seed dormancy in different post-ripening stages in a Tibetan semi-wild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao). Euphytica (2015) 203:557-567

Jiang QT, Zhang XW, Ma J, Luo W, Zhao S, Zhao QZ, Qi PF, Lu ZX, Zheng YL, Wei YM, Characterization of high molecular weight glutenin subunits from Eremopyrum bonaepartis and identification of a novel variant with unusual high molecular weight and altered cysteine residues. Planta (2014) 239:865-875

Jiang YF, Lan XJ, Luo W, Kong XC, Qi PF, Wang JR, Wei YM, Jiang QT, Liu YX, Peng YY, Chen GY, Dai SF, Zheng YL. Genome-wide quantitative trait locus mapping identifies multiple major loci for brittle rachis and threshability in tibetan semi-wild wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao). Plos One, (2014) 9:e114066

Gong WZ, Qi PF, Du J, Sun X, Wu X, Song C, Liu W, Wu Y, Yu X, Yong T, Wang X, Yang F, Yan Y, Yang W. Transcriptome analysis of shade-induced inhibition on leaf size in relay intercropped soybean. Plos One, (2014) 9:e98465

Qi PF, Le CX, Wang Z, Liu YB, Chen Q, Wei ZZ, Xu BJ, Wei ZY, Dai SF, Wei YM, Zheng YL. The γ-gliadin-like γ-prolamin genes in the tribe Triticeae. Journal of Genetics, (2014) 93:35-41

Qi PF, Wei YM, Ouellet T, Chen Q, Wang Z, Wei ZZ, Zheng YL. Identification of a group of novel γ-gliadin genes. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, (2014) 13:290-298

Qi PF, Chen Q, Ouellet T, Wang Z, Le CX, Wei YM, Lan XJ, Zheng YL. The molecular diversity of α-gliadin genes in the tribe Triticeae. Genetica, (2013) 141:303-310

Qi PF, Chen Q, Ouellet T, Le CX, Ai J, Wei YM, Wang JR, Zheng YL. Identification of 40k γ-secalin genes. Journal of Genetics (2013) 92:151-154

Qi PF, Wei YM, Chen GY, Jiang QT, Liu YX, Li W, Zheng YL. Development of chromosome 6D-specific markers for α-gliadin genes and their use in assessing dynamic changes at the Gli-2 loci. Molecular Breeding (2012) 29:199-208

Qi PF, Johnston A, Balcerzak M, Rocheleau H, Harris LJ, Long XY, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Ouellet T. Effect of salicylic acid on Fusarium graminearum, the major causal agent of fusarium head blight in wheat. Fungal Biology (2012) 116:413-426

Qi PF, Wei YM, Chen Q, Ouellet T, Ai J, Chen GY, Li W, Zheng YL. Identification of novel α-gliadin genes. Genome (2011) 54:244-252

Wang JR, Qi PF, Wei YM, Liu DC, Fedak G, Zheng YL. Molecular characterization and functional analysis of elite genes in wheat and its related species. Journal of Genetics (2010) 89:539-554

Huang Z, Long H, Wei YM, Qi PF, Yan ZH, Zheng YL. Characterization and classification of γ-gliadin multigene sequences from Aegilops section Sitopsis. Cereal Research Communications (2010) 38:1-14

Qi PF, Wei YM, Ouellet T, Chen Q, Tan X, Zheng YL. The γ-gliadin multigene family in common wheat (Triticum aestivum) and its closely related species. BMC genomics (2009) 10:168



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