教授,博士生导师,国家重点研发计划(青年)首席科学家,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,四川省海外留学人员,四川农业大学优秀博士学位论文获得者。在International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Theoretical Applied and Genetics、Crop Journal等国际知名学术期刊发表论文80余篇,ESI高被引论文1篇,副主编专著1部。主持获得四川省自然科学奖二等奖1项(1/5)。主持(研)选育小麦新品种1(5)个。主持获得授权国家发明专利15项。主持国家重点研发计划项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目4项、省厅基金项目10项。担任Molecular Genetics and Genomics 编委、中国农业科学等5个杂志专刊编辑以及SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences、Theoretical and Applied等40余个杂志审稿人。获得Crop Journal(2021-2023年度)和JIA(2020年度)期刊优秀审稿人和2021全球农业基因与遗传学高产作者。
[2024]A co-located QTL for seven spike architecture-related traits shows promising breeding use potential in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 137: 31.
[2024]Identification and characterization of QSFS.sau-MC-5A for sterile florets genetically independent of fertile ones per spike in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 137: 232.
[2024]A novel QTL conferring Fusarium crown rot resistance on chromosome 2A in a wheat EMS mutant. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 137: 49.
[2024]Integration of transcriptomics, metabolomics, and hormone analysis revealed the formation of lesion spots inhibited by GA and CTK was related to cell death and disease resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology. 24: 558.
[2024]基于遗传解析新模式的小麦寡分蘖QTL的鉴定和验证. 作物学报. 50: 1373-1383.
[2023]Loss of ADP-glucose transporter in barleysex1mutant caused shrunken endosperm but with elevated protein and β-glucan content in whole meal.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 251: 126365.
[2023]Major and stably expressed QTL for traits related to the mature wheat embryo independent of kernel size.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 136: 90.
[2023]A major QTL simultaneously increases the number of spikelets per spike and thousand-kernel weight in a wheat line.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 136: 213.
[2023]A promising QTL QSns.sau-MC-3D.1 likely superior toWAPO1 for the number of spikelets per spike of wheat shows no adverse effects on yield-related traits.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 136: 181.
[2023]基于16K SNP芯片的小麦株高QTL鉴定及其遗传分析.中国农业科学. 56: 2237-2248.
[2023]四倍体小麦胚大小性状QTL定位与分析.中国农业科学. 56: 203-216.
[2022]The wheat (Triticum aestiveumL.) MADS-box transcription factorTaMADS32 plays a role in response to abiotic stresses.Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 36: 451-461.
[2022]Identification and validation of a major QTL for kernel length in bread wheat based on two F3 biparental populations.BMC Genomics. 23: 386.
[2022]A major vernalization-independent QTL for tiller angle on chromosome arm 2BL in bread wheat.The Crop Journal. 10: 185-193.
[2022]Fine mapping of the Hairy glume (Hg) gene in a chromosome variation region at the distal terminus of 1AS.Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: 1006510.
[2022]Identification and validation of a locus for wheat maximum root length independent of parental reproductive environment.Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:995183
[2022]A major quantitative trait locus for wheat total root length associated with precipitation distribution.Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:999414
[2022]A major and stable QTL for wheat spikelet number per spike was validated in different genetic backgrounds.Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 20: 1551–1562.
[2022]Mapping and validation of major and stable QTL for flag leaf size from tetraploid wheat.Plant Genome. e20252.
[2022]Characterization and fine mapping of a lesion mimic mutant (Lm5) with enhanced stripe rust and powdery mildew resistance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 135: 421-438.
[2022]Quick mapping and characterization of a co-located kernel length and thousand-kernel weight-related QTL in wheat.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 135: 2849-2860.
[2022]小麦穗发育相关基因的研究进展.四川农业大学学报. 40: 1-9.
[2022]主要植物类病斑突变体研究进展及其对小麦相关研究的启示.四川农业大学学报. 1-20.
[2022]小麦小穗数调控基因WAPO1的单倍型、遗传效应、地理分布及育种利用分析.作物学报.48: 2196-2209.
[2021]Genetic identification and characterization of chromosomal regions for kernel length and width increase from tetraploid wheat.BMC Genomics. 22: 706.
[2021]QTL mapping and validation of bread wheat flag leaf morphology across multiple environments in different genetic backgrounds.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 134: 261-278.
[2021]A major vernalization-independent QTL for tiller angle on chromosome arm 2BL in bread wheat.The Crop Journal.2021
[2021]The 55K SNP-Based Exploration of QTLs for Spikelet Number Per Spike in a Tetraploid Wheat (Triticum turgidumL.) Population: Chinese Landrace “Ailanmai” × Wild Emmer.Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 1961.
[2021]Genetic Mapping and Validation of Loci for Kernel-Related Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 667493.
[2021]Genetic dissection of wheat uppermost-internode diameter associated with agronomic traits in five recombination inbred line populations at various field environments.Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 20: 2849–2861.
[2021]A major and stable QTL for wheat spikelet number per spike was validated in different genetic backgrounds.Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 20: 2-13 (doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(1020)63602-63604).
[2021]QTL mapping and validation of bread wheat flag leaf morphology across multiple environments in different genetic backgrounds.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 134: 261-278.
[2020]Flag leaf size and posture of bread wheat: genetic dissection, QTL validation and their relationships with yield-related traits.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133: 297-315.
[2020]A novel, major, and validated QTL for the effective tiller number located on chromosome arm 1BL in bread wheat.Plant Molecular Biology. 104: 173-185.
[2020]Genetic dissection of wheat uppermost-internode diameter associated with agronomic traits in five recombination inbred line populations at various field environments.Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 19: 2-4.
[2020]Transcriptome analysis of near-isogenic lines for glume hairiness of wheat.Gene. 739: 144517.
[2020]Identification and characterization of mRNAs and lncRNAs of a barley shrunken endosperm mutant using RNA-seq.Genetica. 148: 55-68.
[2020]Quantitative trait loci for seeding root traits and the relationships between root and agronomic traits in common wheat.Genome. 63: 27-36.
[2020]Several stably expressed QTL for spike density of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) in multiple environments.Plant Breeding. 139: 284-294.
[2019]Identification of quantitative trait loci for kernel traits in a wheat cultivar Chuannong16.BMC Genetics. 20: 77.
[2019]Structural Organization and Functional Activity of the OrthologousTaGLW7Genes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Russian Journal of Genetics. 55: 571-579.
[2019]Identification and validation of a major and stably expressed QTL for spikelet number per spike in bread wheat.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132: 3155–3167.
[2019]Identification and validation of a novel major QTL for all-stage stripe rust resistance on 1BL in the winter wheat line 20828.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132: 1363–1373.
[2018]Molecular characterization of theTaWTG1in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Gene. 678: 23-32.
[2018]Variation and diversity of the breakpoint sequences on 4AL for the 4AL/5AL translocation inTriticum.Genome. 61: 635-641.
[2018]A 55 K SNP array-based genetic map and its utilization in QTL mapping for productive tiller number in common wheat.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 131: 2439-2450.[2017]Identification and characterization of genes on a single subgenome in the hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) genotype ‘Chinese Spring’.Genome. 60: 208-215.
[2017]Identification of quantitative trait loci for seedling root traits from Tibetan semi-wild wheat (Triticum aestivumsubsp.tibetanum).Genome. 60: 1068-1075.
[2017]Structure and expression of theTaGW7in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Plant Growth Regulation. 82: 281-291.
[2017]Genome-wide identification and analysis of the MADS-box gene family in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).PloS one. 12: e0181443.
[2016]Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling agronomic traits indicates breeding potential of Tibetan semiwild wheat (Triticum aestivumssp.tibetanum).Crop Science. 56: 2410-2420.
[2016]Genetic analysis of glume hairiness (Hg) gene in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 63: 763-769.
[2016]Structure and expression of phosphoglucan phosphatase genes ofLike Sex Four1andLike Sex Four2in barley.Genetica. 144: 313-323.
[2016]Identification of QTLs associated with tissue culture response of mature wheat embryos.Springerplus. 5: 1-7.
[2015]Putative interchromosomal rearrangements in the hexaploid wheat(Triticum aestivumL.) genotype ‘Chinese Spring’revealed by gene locations on homoeologous chromosomes.BMC Evolutionary Biology. 15: 37.
[2015]Fine mapping of a large-effect QTL conferring Fusarium crown rot resistance on the long arm of chromosome 3B in hexaploid wheat.BMC Genomics. 16: 850.
[2015]Identification of genes bordering breakpoints of the pericentric inversions on 2B, 4B and 5A in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Genome. 58: 1-5.
[2015]A high-throughput pipeline for detecting locus-specific polymorphism in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).Plant Methods. 11: 1.
[2015]Characterization of starch branching enzyme I (SBE I) gene in twoTriticum monococcumaccessions with different starch content.Starch‐Stärke.
[2014]Characterization of shrunken endosperm mutants in barley.Gene. 539: 15-20.
[2014]Extensive Pericentric Rearrangements in the Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotype “Chinese Spring” Revealed from Chromosome Shotgun Sequence Data.Genome Biology and Evolution. 6: 3039-3048.
[2014]Conserved structure and varied expression reveal key roles of phosphoglucan phosphatase genestarch excess4 in barley.Planta. 240: 1179-1190.
[2014]Transcriptome and Allele Specificity Associated with a 3BL Locus for Fusarium Crown Rot Resistance in Bread Wheat.PloS one. 9: e113309.
[2013]Characterization and expression analysis ofwaxyalleles in barley accessions.Genetica. 141: 227-238.
[2013]Structure and expression of barley starch phosphorylase genes.Planta. 238: 1081-1093.
[2013]Sequence-based analysis of translocations and inversions in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.).PloS one. 8: e79329.
[2010]Molecular characterization and comparative analysis of twowaxyalleles in barley.Genes & Genomics. 32: 513-520.
[2022]Editing of the starch synthase IIa gene led to transcriptomic and metabolomic changes and high amylose starch in barley.Carbohydrate Polymers. 285: 119238.
[2022]Reference genome assemblies reveal the origin and evolution of allohexaploid oat.Nat Genet. 54: 1248-1258.
[2022]The PGS1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein regulates Fl3 to impact seed growth and grain yield in cereals.Plant Biotechnology Journal. 1-16.
[2021]Myb10-DconfersPHS-3Dresistance to pre-harvest sprouting by regulatingNCEDin ABA biosynthesis pathway of wheat.New Phytologist.https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.17312.
[2020]Mutation of the d-hordein gene by RNA-guided Cas9 targeted editing reducing the grain size and changing grain compositions in barley.Food Chemistry. 311: 125892.
[2020]Identification and validation of stable quantitative trait loci for grain filling rate in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133: 2377-2385.
[2020]Phenotypic and genetic variation in phosphorus-deficiency-tolerance traits in Chinese wheat landraces.BMC Plant Biology. 20: 330.
[2020]Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals the Genetic Architecture of Stripe Rust Resistance at the Adult Plant Stage in Chinese Endemic Wheat.Frontiers in plant science. 11: 625.
[2020]Identification of lncRNAs involved in wheat tillering development in two pairs of near-isogenic lines.Functional & integrative genomics. 20: 669-679.
[2020]Quantitative trait loci analysis for root traits in synthetic hexaploid wheat under drought stress conditions.Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 19: 1947-1960.
[2019]Characterization of molecular diversity and genome-wide association study of stripe rust resistance at the adult plant stage in Northern Chinese wheat landraces.BMC Genetics. 20: 38.
[2019]Genome-wide association study reveals new loci for yield-related traits in Sichuan wheat germplasm under stripe rust stress.BMC Genomics. 20: 640.
[2019]Genome-wide association study of resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in Sichuan wheat.BMC Plant Biology. 19: 147.
[2019]Quantitative trait locus mapping for panicle exsertion length in common wheat using two related recombinant inbred line populations.Euphytica. 215: 104.
[2019]Genome-Wide Association Study for Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Chinese Wheat Landraces (Triticum aestivumL.) From the Yellow and Huai River Valleys.Frontiers in plant science. 10.
[2019]A novel QTL conferring Fusarium crown rot resistance located on chromosome arm 6HL in barley.Frontiers in plant science. 10.
[2019]Dissection of loci conferring resistance to stripe rust in Chinese wheat landraces from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River via genome-wide association study.Plant Science. 287: 110204.
[2019]Comprehensive transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics analyses of the mechanisms regulating tiller production in low-tillering wheat.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1-13.
[2019]A single-base change at a splice site in Wx-A1 caused incorrect RNA splicing and gene inactivation in a wheat EMS mutant line.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132: 2097-2109.
[2019]Functional Analysis of FgNahG Clarifies the Contribution of Salicylic Acid to Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Resistance against Fusarium Head Blight.Toxins. 11: 59.
[2019]Expression of the high molecular weight glutenin 1Ay gene from Triticum urartu in barley.Transgenic Research. 28: 225-235.
[2018]An overexpressedQallele leads to increased spike density and improved processing quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum).G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 8: 771-778.
[2018]Identification of QTL for flag leaf length in common wheat and their pleiotropic effects.Molecular Breeding. 38: 11.
[2018]A QTL located on chromosome 3D enhances the selenium concentration of wheat grain by improving phytoavailability and root structure.Plant and Soil. 425: 287-296.
[2017]Identification of major quantitative trait loci for root diameter in synthetic hexaploid wheat under phosphorus-deficient conditions.Journal of Applied Genetics. 58: 437-447.
[2017]A genome‐wide association study of 23 agronomic traits in Chinese wheat landraces.The Plant Journal. 91: 861-873.
[2017]Transposon insertion resulted in the silencing ofWx-B1nin Chinese wheat landraces.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 130: 1321-1330.
[2016]Mapping and validation of major quantitative trait loci for kernel length in wild barley (Hordeum vulgaressp.spontaneum).BMC Genetics. 17.
[2016]Molecular mapping of the stripe rust resistance geneYr69on wheat chromosome 2AS.Plant Disease. 100: 1717-1724.
[2014]Characterization of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits from Eremopyrum bonaepartis and identification of a novel variant with unusual high molecular weight and altered cysteine residues.Planta. 239: 865-875.