电话: +86 18780183226
电子邮件: xiaojiang9945@icloud.com
l 2010-2014 四川农业大学农学院,植物科学与技术专业,农学学士
l 2014-2017 四川农业大学小麦研究所,作物遗传育种专业,硕士研究生
l 2017-2022 四川农业大学小麦研究所,作物遗传育种专业,博士研究生
l 2018-2021 University of California, Davis,细胞生物学,联合培养博士
l 2022-2024 中国农业大学,作物遗传育种,博士后
l 2024-至今 四川农业大学,特聘研究员
l 小麦籽粒发育影响产量和品质的机制研究
l 基因编辑与单倍体技术结合加速育种体系研究
l 转录组和比较基因组等生物信息学相关分析
l 分子生物学相关技术(包括:基因克隆、CRISPR/cas9基因编辑、遗传转化、蛋白表达纯化等)
l 细胞生物学相关技术(组织切片技术、压片技术、细胞分裂-根组织免疫组化、荧光显微镜和共聚焦显微镜使用等)
l 熟练使用软件Photoshop, Illustrator,科研图像处理软件ImageJ,基因克隆软件Snapgene等
1. Guo, XJ, et al. An Arabidopsis Kinesin-14D motor is associated with midzone microtubules for spindle morphogenesis.” Current Biology.2024.
2.Guo XJ, Fu YX, Lee YR.J, Chern MS, Li ML, Cheng MP, Dong HX, Yuan ZW, Gui LX, Yin J, Qing H et al., The PGS1 basic helix‐loop‐helix (bHLH) protein regulates Fl3 to impact seed growth and grain yield in cereals. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2022.
3. Guo XJ, Wang JR. 2017. Global identification, structural analysis and expression characterization of bHLH transcription factors in wheat. BMC plant biology,2017.
4. Guo XJ, Guo RF, Tse M.K.C, Wang JR, Lee YR.J, and Liu B. Organization of anti-parallel microtubules in the phragmoplast by microtubule-associated proteins and kinesin motors. Proceeding.
5. Guo XJ, et.al., Dynamic Regulation and Embryo-Endosperm Cross-Talk Revealed by Whole-Transcriptome Profiling of Wheat Seed Development. Proceeding
6. Guo, XJ, et al., The pyramiding effect of seed germination genes confers the resistance of pre-harvest sprouting in wheat. Proceeding.
7. Guo, XJ, et al., Decoding the Intricate Regulatory Networks Governing Endosperm Cellularization., Proceeding.
8. Fu YX, Guo XJ, et al., The spatiotemporal expression of genes during wheat grain development. Proceeding.
9.Liu, B, and Guo XJ. "Disarming PI (4, 5) P2 in the plasma membrane." Nature Plants, 2021.