
作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2015-07-17 点击次数:

郝明,博士,副教授。20157月加入四川农业大学小麦研究所工作。从2010年开始,一直聚焦小麦染色体工程技术创新和远缘杂交染色体行为机制解析,主要围绕远缘杂交过程中的两类关键基因:Ph基因(Pairing homoeologous)和UG基因(Unreduced gametes)开展相关基础研究和应用研究。发表相关论文40余篇,主持主研相关科研项目10项,主持选育小麦新品种1个(蜀麦1963,川审麦20220007),主研选育小麦新品种7个,入选四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选。  



haomingluo@foxmail.com    13981719254(微信同号)QQ: 715639305 




Ø 四川小麦Pm21来源和新小片段易位https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bS2s6TLumftrcwMrxWWk_A

Ø phKL基因诱导部分同源重组创制易位https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ao-CakGXYLD5mhXtcRJLEg

Ø 小麦物理-遗传整合图谱https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2PY1MQpW-GZjSqHy4uMjyA

Ø 部分同源染色体配对新基因定位https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CNMdJa2pQfQqQcWRU0HzeA

Ø Ph1基因诱导染色体重组规律https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mZJEfg1p__NpQxz3oXtl3g

Ø 小麦外源基因渗入育种综述https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rZgg6RzXpqW_GwWJYtzmRQ

Ø 人工合成小麦育种利用方法https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OYWa0fFzkkzKJlC-cbWa-Q


     Ø 蜀麦235223CZL13534携带秦岭黑麦抗白粉病新基因Pm56,以6RS.6AL易位的形式存在

     Ø 蜀麦1675、蜀麦1963携带节节麦抗条锈病基因YrAS2388

     Ø Rec50携带簇毛麦6VS的抗白粉病基因Pm21,以6AS-6VS-6AS.6AL次级易位的形式存在


v 染色体工程创制2S/2B抗条锈病易位系及其抗性规律分析,四川省自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2023,结题,主持

v 部分同源染色体配对促进位点QPh.sicau-3A的精细定位和候选基因分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020-2023,结题,主持

v 节节麦天然分布区东部边缘(中国黄河流域)居群的遗传变异与进化研究,国家自然科学基金与俄罗斯基础研究基金合作交流项目,2021-2022,结题,主持

v 部分同源染色体配对促进基因ph-KL的分子标记与验证,国家自然基金青年基金,2017-2019,结题,主持

v 新型Ph基因定向诱导染色体易位的应用潜力研究,科技厅面上项目,2019-2021,结题,主持

v Ph基因诱导染色体配对的遗传规律及在诱导6A/6R抗白粉病易位系中的应用,教育厅重点项目,2016-2018,结题,主持

v 主要农作物近缘属种染色体片段渗入系创制与新基因发掘,国家重点研发计划,2016-2020,结题,主研(课题秘书)


      Ø 蜀麦1963(主持,川审麦20220007):南充市2024年度主导品种;导入野生物种灌浆快基因,是四川目前最早熟的品种之一,10月下旬至11月上旬播种,能够稳定在次年4月底至5月初收获,同时还携带节节麦YrAS2388基因,优质中强筋;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2574.htm

      Ø 蜀麦114(主研,国审麦20230003/川审麦20190001):田间条锈病和赤霉病抗性表现优异,环境适应能力强,高抗穗发芽,优质弱筋;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2572.htm

      Ø 蜀麦1868(主研,川审麦20210007):携带野生二粒广谱抗条锈病基因Yr15,兼抗条锈、白粉和赤霉病,携带5+10优质亚基,品质优异;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2577.htm

      Ø 蜀麦1675(主研,川审麦2020015):含节节麦YrAS2388基因,抗病高产,优质中筋;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2581.htm

    Ø 蜀麦580(主研,滇审麦2017002):含节节麦抗穗发芽基因PHS-3D基因,抗病耐逆;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2591.htm

      Ø 蜀麦830(主研,川审麦20170001):四川省2023年度主导品种;大穗重穗,单穗重近2.5g,条锈和赤霉病抗性优异;https://xms.sicau.edu.cn/info/1156/2589.htm


 Xu B, Shen T, Chen H, Li H, Rehman S, Lyu S, Hua L, Wang G, Zhang C, li K, Li H, Lan C, Chen GY, Hao M, Chen S. Mapping and characterization of rust resistance genes Lr53 and Yr35 introgressed from Agilops species. Theor Appl Genet. 2024, 137: 113.

  Li H, Hua L, Zhao S, Hao M, Song R, Pang S, Liu Y, Chen H, Wang W, Shen T, Gou JY, Mao H, Wang G, Hao X, Li J, Song B, Lan C, Li Z, Deng X, Dubcovsky J, Wang X, Chen S. Cloning of the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 introgressed from Aegilops speltoides. Nat Commun 2023, 14: 6072.

 Fan C, Luo J, Sun J, Chen H, Li L, Zhang L, Chen X, Li Y, Ning S, Yuan Z, Jiang B, Zhang L, Chen X, Lukaszewski AJ, Liu D, Hao M. The KL system in wheat permits homoeologous crossing over between closely related chromosomes. Crop J 2023, 11: 808-816.

 Xie D, Hao M, Zhao L, Chen X, Chen X, Jiang B, Ning S, Yuan Z, Zhang L, Shu K, Zhang Y, Liu D, Wu P. Transcriptomic analysis provides insight into the genetic regulation of shade avoidance in Aegilops tauschii. BMC Plant Biology 2023, 23: 336.

 张蓝月, 罗江陶, 范超兰, 李亚洲, 姜博, 袁中伟, 甯顺腙, 连全刘登才, 郝明. (2023) 渗含Pm21基因的次级易位创制及鉴定.作物学报 49: 2603-2612.

郝明, 张连全, 黄林, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 姜博, 颜泽洪, 伍碧华, 郑有良, 刘登才. (2022) 渗入杂交与小麦杂种优势. 科学通报 26: 3165-3174.

 郝明, 张连全, 黄林, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 姜博, 颜泽洪, 伍碧华, 郑有良, 刘登才. (2022) 合成六倍体小麦的遗传育种. 植物遗传资源学报 23: 40-48.

Zhao LB, Xie D, Huang L, Zhang SJ, Luo JT, Jiang B, Ning SZ, Zhang LQ, Yuan ZW, Wang JR, Zheng YL, Liu DC and Hao M (2021) Integrating the physical and genetic map of bread wheat facilitates the detection of chromosome rearrangements. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20: 2333-2342.

Zhao L, Xie D, Fan C, Zhang S, Huang L, Ning S, Jiang B, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Liu D and Hao M (2021) Chromosome Stability of Synthetic-Natural Wheat Hybrids. Front. Plant Sci.12: 654382.

*罗江陶, 郑建敏, 蒲宗君, 范超兰, 刘登才, 郝明. 四倍体小麦与六倍体小麦杂种的染色体遗传特性. (2021) 作物学报 26: 1427-1436.

* Fan C, Hao M, Jia Z, Neri C, Chen X, Chen W, Liu D, Lukaszewski AJ. Some characteristics of crossing over in induced recombination between chromosomes of wheat and rye. The Plant Journal 2021 105: 1665-1676.

* Zhang S, Fan C, Luo J, Huang L, Xie D, Li Y, Chen Z, Jiang B, Ning S, Yuan Z, Huang L, Zhang L, Liu D, Hao M. KASP markers to detect sub-chromosomal arm translocations between 6VS of Haynaldia villosa and 6AS of wheat. Euphytica 2021 217: 10

* 刘登才, 张连全, 郝明, 黄林, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 姜博, 颜泽洪, 伍碧华, 郑有良. 小麦族的基因组显性及其育种学意义. 作物学报 2020 46:1465-1473.

* 李庆成, 黄磊, 李亚洲, 范超兰, 谢蝶, 赵来宾, 张舒洁, 陈雪姣, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 张连全, 刘登才, 郝明 小麦-黑麦6RS/6AL易位染色体的遗传稳定性及其在配子中的传递. 作物学报 2020 46: 513-519.

* Luo J, Zhao L, Zheng J, Li Y, Zhang L, Liu D, Pu Z, Hao M. Karyotype mosaicism in early generation synthetic hexaploid wheats. Genome. 2020 Jul; 63(7): 329-336.

* Zeng D, Guan J, Luo J, Zhao L, Li Y, Chen W, Zhang L, Ning S, Yuan Z, Li A, Zheng Y, Mao L, Liu D, Hao M. A transcriptomic view of the ability of nascent hexaploid wheat to tolerate aneuploidy. BMC Plant Biology 2020 20: 97.

* Hao M, Zhang L, Ning S, Huang L, Yuan Z, Wu B, Yan Z, Dai S, Jiang B, Zheng Y, Liu D. The resurgence of introgression breeding, as exemplified in wheat improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020 11: 252.

* Yang J, Tan C, Lang J, Tang H, Hao M, Tan Z, Yu H, Zhou Y, Liu Z, Li M, Zhou Y, Cheng M, Zhang L, Liu D, Wang J. Identification of qPHS.sicau-1B and qPHS.sicau-3D from synthetic wheat for pre-harvest sprouting resistance wheat improvement. Molecular Breeding 2019 39: 132.

* Hao M, Zhang L, Zhao L, Dai S, Li A, Yang W, Xie D, Li Q, Ning S, Yan Z, Wu B, Lan X, Yuan Z, Huang L, Wang J, Zheng K, Chen W, Yu M, Chen X, Chen M, Wei Y, Zhang H, Kishii M, Hawkesford MJ, Mao L, Zheng Y, Liu D. A breeding strategy targeting the secondary gene pool of bread wheat: introgression from a synthetic hexaploid wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Aug;132(8):2285-2294.

* Fan C, Luo J, Zhang S, Liu M, Li Q, Li Y, Huang L, Chen X, Ning S, Yuan Z, Zhang L, Wang J, Zheng Y, Liu D, Hao M. Genetic mapping of a major QTL promoting homoeologous chromosome pairing in a wheat landrace. Theor Appl Genet. 2019 Jul;132(7):2155-2166.

* Yi Y, Zheng K, Ning S, Zhao L, Xu K, Hao M, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Liu D. The karyotype of Aegilops geniculata and its use to identify both addition and substitution lines of wheat. Mol Cytogenet. 2019 Apr 2;12:15.

* Zhang C, Huang L, Zhang H, Hao Q, Lyu B, Wang M, Epstein L, Liu M, Kou C, Qi J, Chen F, Li M, Gao G, Ni F, Zhang L, Hao M, Wang J, Chen X, Luo MC, Zheng Y, Wu J, Liu D, Fu D. An ancestral NB-LRR with duplicated 3'UTRs confers stripe rust resistance in wheat and barley. Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 6;10(1):4023.

* Hao M, Liu M, Luo J, Fan C, Yi Y, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Ning S, Zheng Y, Liu D. Introgression of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm56 on rye chromosome arm 6RS into wheat. Front Plant Sci. 2018 Jul 17;9:1040.

* Zhao L, Ning S, Yi Y, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Wang J, Zheng Y, Hao M, Liu D. Fluorescence in situ hybridization karyotyping reveals the presence of two distinct genomes in the taxon Aegilops tauschii. BMC Genomics. 2018 Jan 2;19(1):3.

* Liu X, Zhang M, Liu X, Li H, Hao M, Ning S, Yuan Z, Liu D, Wu B, Chen X, Chen W, Zhang L. Molecular cytogenetic identification of newly synthetic Triticum kiharae with high resistance to stripe rust. Genet Resour Crop Evol. 2018 65: 1725.

* Chen G, Zhang MH, Liu XJ, Fu JY, Li HY, Hao M, Ning SZ, Yuan ZW, Yan ZH, Wu BH, Liu DC, Zhang LQ. Characterization of an expressed Triticum monococcum Glu-A1y gene containing a premature termination codon in its C-terminal coding region; Cereal Research Communications; 2018, 46: 201-210.

* Li H, Liu X, Zhang M, Feng Z, Liu D, Ayliffe M, Hao M, Ning S, Yuan Z, Yan Z, Chen X, Zhang L. Development and identification of new synthetic T. turgidumT. monococcum amphiploids. Plant Genetic Resources 2018 16: 555-563.

* Liu D, Zhang L, Hao M, Ning S, Yuan Z, Dai S, Huang L, Wu B, Yan Z, Lan X, Zheng Y. Wheat breeding in the hometown of Chinese Spring. The Crop Journal 2018 6: 82-90.

* Yang S, Zhu H, Yu J, Zhong Y, Zhao L, Jiang Y, Hao M, Zhang L, Ning S, Chen X, Liu D, Yuan Z. Using a wheat-rye amphihaploid population to map a rye gene responsible for dwarfness. Euphytica 2018 214: 166.

* Li ZL, Li HY, Chen G,Liu XJ, Kou CL, Ning SZ, Yuan ZW, Hao M, Liu DC, Zhang LQ. Molecular characterization of seven novel Glu-A1mx alleles from Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum. Cereal Research Communications 2017 45: 647-654.

* Hao M, Li A, Shi T, Luo J, Zhang L, Zhang X, Ning S, Yuan Z, Zeng D, Kong X, Li X, Zheng H, Lan X, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Mao L, Liu D. The abundance of homoeologue transcripts is disrupted by hybridization and is partially restored by genome doubling in synthetic hexaploid wheat. BMC Genomics. 2017 Feb 10;18(1):149.

* Xia T, Zhang L, Xu J, Wang L, Liu B, Hao M, Chang X, Zhang T, Li S, Zhang H, Liu D, Shen Y. The alternative splicing of EAM8 contributes to early flowering and short-season adaptation in a landrace barley from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Theor Appl Genet. 2017 Apr;130(4):757-766.

* Liu D, Hao M, Li A, Zhang L, Zheng Y, Mao L. Allopolyploidy and interspecific hybridization for wheat improvement. In: Annaliese S. Mason ed. Polyploidy and Hybridization for Crop Improvement. CRC Press, 2016 p27-52.

* Zeng D, Luo J, Li Z, Chen G, Zhang L, Ning S, Yuan Z, Zheng Y, Hao M, Liu D. High transferability of homoeolog-specific markers between bread wheat and newly synthesized hexaploid wheat lines. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 9;11(9):e0162847.

* Zhao L, Ning S, Yu J, Hao M, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Zheng Y, Liu D. Cytological identification of an Aegilops variabilis chromosome carrying stripe rust resistance in wheat. Breed Sci. 2016 Sep;66(4):522-529.

* 寇春兰, 赵来宾, 刘梦, 郝明, 甯顺腙, 袁中伟, 刘登才, 张连全. 小麦未减数配子基因的连锁标记及染色体区段检测. 作物学报 2016 42(7): 984-989.

* Liu D, Zhang H, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Hao M, Zheng Y. Distant Hybridization: A tool for interspecific manipulation of chromosomes. In Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants, Volume 1. Springer New York, 2014 p25-42.

* Zeng DY, Hao M, Luo JT, Zhang LQ, Yuan ZW, Ning SZ, Zheng YL, Liu DC. Amphitelic orientation of centromeres at metaphase I is an important feature for univalent-dependent meiotic nonreduction. J Genet. 2014 Aug;93(2):531-4.

* Li A, Liu D, Wu J, Zhao X, Hao M, Geng S, Yan J, Jiang X, Zhang L, Wu J, Yin L, Zhang R, Wu L, Zheng Y, Mao L. mRNA and Small RNA Transcriptomes Reveal Insights into Dynamic Homoeolog Regulation of Allopolyploid Heterosis in Nascent Hexaploid Wheat. Plant Cell. 2014 May;26(5):1878-1900.

* Hao M, Luo J, Zeng D, Zhang L, Ning S, Yuan Z, Yan Z, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Feuillet C, Choulet F, Yen Y, Zhang L, Liu D. QTug.sau-3B is a major quantitative trait locus for wheat hexaploidization. G3 (Bethesda). 2014 Aug 15;4(10):1943-53.

* Yuan Z, Liu M, Ouyang Y, Zeng X, Hao M, Zhang L, Ning S, Yan Z, Liu D. The detection of a de novo allele of the Glu-1Dx gene in wheat-rye hybrid offspring. Theor Appl Genet. 2014 Oct;127(10):2173-82.

* Hao M, Luo J, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Zheng Y, Zhang H, Liu D. In situ hybridization analysis indicates that 4AL-5AL-7BS translocation preceded subspecies differentiation of Triticum turgidum. Genome. 2013 May;56(5):303-5.

* Hao M, Luo J, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Yang Y, Wu M, Chen W, Zheng Y, Zhang H, Liu D. Production of hexaploid triticale by a synthetic hexaploid wheat-rye hybrid method; Euphytica; 2013, 193(3):347-357. (IF=1.692)

* Hao M, Chen J, Zhang L, Luo J, Yuan Z, Yan Z, Zhang B, Chen W, Wei Y, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Liu D. The genetic study utility of a hexaploid wheat DH population with non-recombinant A- and B-genomes. Springerplus. 2013 Dec;2(1):131.

* 邹晓欢, 郝明, 罗江陶, 张连全, 袁中伟, 刘登才. 中国特有小麦的易位染色体鉴定. 麦类作物学报 2013 33:1065-1070

* Luo J, Hao M, Zhang L, Chen J, Zhang L, Yuan Z, Yan Z, Zheng Y, Zhang H, Yen Y, Liu D. Microsatellite mutation rate during allohexaploidization of newly resynthesized wheat. Int J Mol Sci. 2012 Oct 1;13(10):12533-43.

* Zhang L, Luo JT, Hao M, Zhang LQ, Yuan ZW, Yan ZH, Liu YX, Zhang B, Liu BL, Liu CJ, Zhang HG, Zheng YL, Liu DC. Genetic map of Triticum turgidum based on a hexaploid wheat population without genetic recombination for D genome. BMC Genet. 2012 Aug 13;13:69.

* Hao M, Luo J, Yang M, Zhang L, Yan Z, Yuan Z, Zheng Y, Zhang H, Liu D. Comparison of homoeologous chromosome pairing between hybrids of wheat genotypes Chinese Spring ph1b and Kaixian-luohanmai with rye. Genome. 2011 Dec;54(12):959-64.

* Zhang L, Zhang L, Luo J, Chen W, Hao M, Liu B, Yan Z, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zheng Y, Liu D, Yen Y. Synthesizing double haploid hexaploid wheat populations based on a spontaneous alloploidization process. J Genet Genomics. 2011 Feb;38(2):89-94.

* 郝明, 罗江陶, 杨敏, 张连全, 刘登才. 普通小麦中两个ph系杂种对部分同源染色体配对的影响. 四川农业大学学报 2010 28(4): 403-406.





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