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XiuJin Lan

作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2014-12-28 点击次数:

name:XiuJin Lan
education:PhD professional title:Research Scientist
duty: telephone:86-28-82650317
email:lanxiujin@yahoo.com.cn fax:86-28-82650350


XiuJin Lan, who graduated from sichuan agriculture university in 1985. Then worked in Triticeae Research Institute of Sichuan Agriculture University. He obtained the doctor degree of crop genetic breeding in 2005. He was elected one of the Academic and Technology Leader candidate of Sichuan province in July 2005. As principal investigator or co-investigator, projects were supported by 973, 863, National Natural Science Fund, Transgene Special Project of China, Science and Technology Bureau, and the Education Bureau of the Sichuan Province. He won one first prize and two third Prizes of Scientific and Technological Progress in Sichuan province.

Research Interests:

Cytogenetic and chromosome engineering breeding in wheat
The work is aimed: (1) to breed excellent commercial wheat varieties by crossing breeding, combined with the cytogenetic and chromosome engineering technology; (2) to exploit new genes for yield, resistance and quality within Triticum by molecular cloning, molecular markers and biochemical markers, cytogenetic etc.


►Wu Xiao-lan, Lan Xiu-jin*, Wei Yu-ming, Pu zhi-en, Zheng You-liang. Quality evaluation of gliadins in wheat from Zhengmai9023 × 99E18. Journal of Plant Sciences. 2009, 4 (1): 1-9
►Ren Xiao-bo, Lan Xiu-jin*, Liu Deng-cai1, Wang Jia-li, Zheng You-liang. Mapping QTLs for pre-harvest sprouting tolerance on chromosome 2D in a synthetic hexaploid wheat × common wheat cross. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2008, 49 (4): 333-341
►Lianquan Zhang, Dengcai Liu, Xiujin Lan, Youliang Zheng, Zehong Yan. A synthetic wheat with 56 chromosomes derived from Triticum turgidum and Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2008, 49 (1): 41-44
►Lan Xiu-jin, Wei Yu-ming, Liu Deng-cai, Yan Ze-hong, Zheng You-liang. Inheritance of the seed dormancy in Tibetan semi-wild wheat accession Q1028. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2005, 46 (2): 133-138
►Lan Xiujin,Zheng Youliang,Liu Dengcai,Wei Yuming,Yan Zehong,Zhou Yonghong. Tolerant mechanism and chromosome location of gene controlling sprouting tolerance in Aegilops tauschii Cosson. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2002,1(3): 265-268
►Lan Xiujin,Liu Dengcai,Wang Zhirong. Inheritance in synthetic hexaploid wheat‘RSP’of sprouting tolerance derived from Aegilops tauschii Cosson. Euphytica. 1997,95:321-323
►Zhang Lianquan, Liu Dengcai, Lan Xiujin, Zheng Youliang, Yan Zehong. A synthetic wheat with 56 chromosomes derived from Triticum turgidum and Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Applied Genetics. 2008, 49 (1): 41-44
►Zhang Lianquan, Sun Genlou, Yan Zehong, Chen Qijiao, Yuan Zhongwei, Lan Xiujin, Zheng Youliang, Liu Dengcai. Comparison of Newly Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat with Its Donors on SSR Products. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2007, 34(10): 939-946
►ZHANG Lianquan,LIU Dengcai,YAN Zehong,LAN Xiujin,ZHENG Youliang, ZHOU Yonghong. Rapid changes of microsatellite flanking sequence in the allopolyploidization of new synthesized hexaploid wheat,Science in China Series C. 2004,47(6): 553-561
►Liu Dengcai,Lan Xiujin,Yang Zujun,Zheng Youliang,Wei Yuming,Zhou Yonghong. A unique Aegilops tauschii genotype needless to immature embryo culture in cross with wheat. Acta Botanica Sinica. 2002,44(6): 708-713
►Liu Dengcai, Lan Xiujin, Wang Zhirong, Zheng Youliang, Zhou Yonghong, Yang Junliang, Yen Chi. Evaluation of Aegilops tauschii Cosson for preharvest sprouting tolerance. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1998, 45(6): 495-498
►Wei Y M, Zheng Y L, Liu D C, Zhou Y H, Lan X J. HMW-glutenin and Gliadin variation in Tibetan weedrace, Xinjiang rice wheat and Yunnan hulled wheat. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2002, 49: 327-330


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