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Dai Shoufen

作者:   审稿人:     时间: 2014-12-28 点击次数:

name:Dai Shoufen
education:PhD professional title:Associated Professor
duty: telephone:86-28-82650317
email:dsf0208@163.com fax:86-28-82650350


September, 1995-July, 1999: Bachelor, Department of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University,Sichuan, China.
September, 2000-July, 2003: postgraduate training, Department of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University,Sichuan, China.
September, 2005-December, 2008: PhD,Department of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University,Sichuan,China.

Research Interests:

(1). Breeding of wheat cultivars with high yielding and stripe rust resistance.
(2). Development of weak gluten wheat materials and it's application in breeding.
(3). Genetic and Breeding of Aluminum tolerance in wheat.


►Chang Han, Ze-Hong Yan*, Shou-Fen Dai, Deng-Cai Liu, Yu-Ming Wei, You-Liang Zheng, Xiu-Jin Lan and Yuan-Ying Peng, 2011. Molecular characterization of LMW glutenin genes from Taeniatherum Nevski. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (Online First)
DAI Shou-fen, YAN Ze-hong*, LIU Deng-cai, WEI Yu-ming and ZHENG You-liang, 2010. Comparative Analysis of Six Triticum turgidum L. Subspecies for Acid and Aluminum Tolerance. Agricultural Sciences in China, 9(5): 642-650
Dai SF, Yan ZH, Liu DC, Zhang LQ, Wei YM, Zheng YL*, 2009. Evaluation on chinese bread wheat landraces for low pH and aluminum tolerance using hydroponic screening. Agricultural Sciences in China, 8(3): 285-292
►Yan ZH, Dai SF, Liu DC, Wei YM, Wang JR, Zheng YL Isolation and characterization of a novel Glu-Bx HMW-GS allele from Tibet bread wheat landrace-Internation Journal of Agricultural Research. 2009,4(1): 38-45
►Yan ZH, Guo ZF, Liu DC, Dai SF, Wei YM, Zheng YL . Characterization of HMW-GS Genes Dx5 and Dy12 from Aegilops tauschii Accession with Dx5t +Dy12t Subunit Combination-Cereal Research Communications. 2008, 36(3): 477–487
►Yan ZH, Dai SF, Liu DC, Wei YM, Zheng YL . Isolation and characterization of a novel HMW-GS Glu-Dx allele from Tibet bread wheat Landrace-Cereal Research Communications 2008,36(4): 523–531


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