报告题目:小麦及大麦分子育种新技术/Speed breeding wheat and
报告人:澳大利亚昆士兰农业与食品创新联合会/昆士兰大学研究员Lee Hickey博士 (Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation/The University of
Queensland, Australia)
时间:11月8日 上午9点
Over the past nine years,
Dr Lee Hickey has played a pivotal role in developing 'Speed Breeding': the
rapid generation advance technology for spring wheat, to achieve an impressive
six plant generations annually. He now leads a research team situated within
the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) at The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His lab conducts genetics
studies on key biotic (foliar and soil-borne diseases) and abiotic (drought and
heat) factors that limit production of wheat and barley, and develops novel
breeding tools and methodologies. His program routinely applies speed breeding
in combination with multi-trait phenotypic screening protocols to rapidly
assemble novel germplasm. He supervises 11 PhD students and collaborates with scientists
around the world, including teams in Mexico, USA, Uruguay, Morocco, the U.K.
and Russia. His impactful science is generating strong community, government
and industry interest, and outcomes from his research have received wide media
coverage. He loves to use social media to promote and communicate science to
the public.
在过去的九年中,Lee Hickey博士已经在发展快速育种研究中发挥了关键作用:他们的春小麦快速增代技术,成功实现了一年加代六次。他现在领导的一个研究团队位于澳大利亚布里斯班的昆士兰大学内,隶属昆士兰农业与食品创新联合会(QAAFI)。他的实验室开展一些针对限制小麦和大麦生产的关键生物类(叶面和土壤传播疾病)和非生物类(干旱和热)因素的遗传研究,并开发新的育种工具和方法。Lee Hickey博士的项目通常将快速育种与多性状表型筛选方法相结合,迅速合成新的种质资源。他指导博士生11人,与世界各地的科学家,包括在墨西哥,美国,乌拉圭,摩洛哥队,英国和俄罗斯等地的科研人员都有合作。他在科学界的影响力也使得社区,政府和工业界对其研究产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且他的研究成果也受到广泛的媒体报道。他是喜欢使用社交媒体来促进公众和科学沟通的活跃科学家。